What is the best month to visit Arches National Park to avoid crowds?


What is the best month to visit Arches National Park?
What is the best month to visit Arches National Park?

That depends what kind of experience you’re looking for.

For avoiding crowds March and November are by far best. Winter is also phenomenally quiet, but the weather can be challenging. The conditions are perfect until the first big snowstorm and that can be as late as January!

When is the best hiking weather? The best months for good hiking weather are April, May, October and November.

what about easy sightseeing? The best months for sightseeing are April, May, October and November.

Is summer a good time to visit Arches National Park? Summers are incredible in the desert – warm evenings, little rain – but days can be hot which makes hiking difficult, but all river activities become the perfect option.

No matter when you choose to visit Arches National Park you won’t be disappointed. Each season offers something unique to enjoy. When the weather is a little cooler that’s when you can really do some serious hiking on some of the longer trail which are not easily hikable when it’s hot. However, when it’s hot the river, the lakes and the La Sal Mountains become are phenomenal respite. Winter can be challenging once you get the first dusting of snow, but the scenery is phenomenal with all the rocks’ nooks and crannies filling with snow for incredible contrast. Arches National Park offers unique recreations opportunities each season and in the end should be experienced in all conditions to appreciate its one of a kind landscape. It’s here waiting for you so why not book your trip today!

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