How many days do you need in Arches National Park?


Arches National Park Tours
Arches National Park Tours

It will depend on whether you want to sightsee only or hike some of the trails.

How many days do you need for basic sightseeing? 

You only need half a day at Arches for basic sightseeing. You can see all the iconic stops and do some short walks in 4-5 hours.

How many days do you need for sightseeing plus some hiking? 

If you’re planning on sightseeing and doing a little bit of light hiking you need one full day. One hike can take anywhere from 1-3 hours in addition to the 4-5 hours of sightseeing.



How many days do you need for sightseeing plus extensive hiking?

1-2 days, but can be as much as 3!

Delicate Arch Hike will take 2 hours

Devil’s Garden to Double O Arch – 4 hours

Fiery Furnace (permit required) – 2-3 hours

Devils’ Garden Full Primitive Loop – 6 hours

Tower Arch – 5 hours including the drive

Whether you’re you visit Arches National Park to drive through it in a car, or to get our and walk a few short walks or to do some heavy hiking you will be immersed in a landscape that envelops you from the moment you enter the park. This park is a fully immersive experience for every visitor. You’ll be surrounded by rocks that are reminiscent of Petra Jordan or Ancient Egypt. If you weren’t planning on walking much we do encourage you to try at least a few of the short walks because there is nothing as mind-bending as standing underneath the arches which often feel like portals to another dimension!

Check Arches National Park entrance conditions via their live webcam!

Join us for one of our tours and hike Arches like a local!




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